
One of the objectives central offices related in the PCN it is its contribution in the constitution of the identities, in the formation politics and intellectual (citizenship) and in the humanistic formation of the educandos. How much to the subjects, these if base on studies organized for the thematic axles, that must have as base to answer to the challenges of a historical education that it intends to take care of to ace necessities of the new generation. In this direction, it was become incorporated the resumes education based on the interdisciplinaridade, transversalidade and contextualizao, from a generating subject, divided in thematic axles. In general lines, all the texts meet interrelated, one complement the other. They are referenciais we riqussimos to reflect the fence not only of the curricular lines of direction, or the organization of the educational system of Brazil, but, over all to reflect on practical ours while educators, in special as professors of History for being formadores of responsible opinions and for the formation politics, and partner-cultural of our pupils. In summary, we need to desconstruir in our pupils the concept of History as a science of the past, and to take to construct them to it a concept of alive History, disciplines basic in its formation.

One becomes necessary to rescue or to sharpen the curiosity of the pupils for the importance of the study of the historical processes so that the same ones perceive that it is through the inquiry of the passed events, that we start to understand gift and to plan the future. Refrencias: FONSECA, S.G; IT HISSES, Landmarks. To teach History in century XXI: in search of the understood time.

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