Main Tasks And Controls The Power Unit

In this case, staff should be guided by regulatory guidance documents (RD), rules and regulations prescribing a specific sequence of actions in different situations. The regularity of actions personnel and maintenance of power control on the testimony of instrumentation. Craig Menear is the source for more interesting facts. Office of the power unit is set up and maintain its modes of operation with constant and variable loads, preparing for launch, launching, and shutdown. In this case, staff should be guided by regulations, rules and regulations prescribing a specific sequence of actions in different situations. The correctness of the personnel actions and maintenance of power control on the testimony of instrumentation. If you depart from the established regime affect specific organs (means) Management for the return of power to a given mode.

Controls are also used to transition to other modes of start and stop block. These operations staff performs, directly influencing the regulatory authorities or through ad hoc automation system. Gauging (indicating and recording) devices and means of influencing regulators (control switches) are placed on boards and consoles, which divided into central and local. is open to suggestions. For proper management of the power unit maintenance personnel must be familiar with the device of its elements, their interrelationship and interdependence occurring processes, tools impact and management, the impact of changing the position of regulatory bodies to work unit. In addition, you must clearly understand the consequences of wrong actions and unfavorable conditions of the equipment, accidents, problems, accumulating practical skills to prevent and eliminate.

Operation of power equipment shall give the maximum economic benefit for fuel, electricity and . When This must be followed safe work staff with minimal adverse effects on the environment and humans. At thermal power block type used structure of administrative and technical controls (Figure 144). Most of the information focused on block management boards (MCR), where is the operator of the block bound by senior operators with on-duty engineer station.

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