Management Academy

Who long to be Board is active, aware of its obligations. However, many newcomers are uncertain, and not without reason. Munich/Planegg, Germany, October 28, 2009 – In the life of the Association, the General Assembly plays a central role. Who long to be Board is active, aware of its obligations. However, many newcomers are uncertain, and not without reason. After all, a lot can happen not only during the General Assembly, in the run-up to keep a cool head.

Because, as so often in the Association’s activities is evident here: formal errors can have unpleasant consequences for those responsible. Imagine following case: the General Assembly of a Sports Association decides to hire an architect for the design of cultivation. Miss any note but the agenda sent with the invitation made to the theme of growing”. Right are assembled later by some members, that the decision, because as the TOP was listed, void. The thing is all the more unpleasant as the architect for those already a first draft supplied and invoiced. There is much of what boards need to know about essential agenda, decision-making, responsibilities related to the General Assembly.

“Here comes the next online seminar to mark Club just in time: introductory seminar General Assembly: the small multiplication table for the Board of Directors” is all, who want to learn fundamental to the topic or refresh their skills without large expenditure of time. The experienced Club expert Stefan Wagner, who among other things teaches at the Management Academy of the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) in Cologne, the participants explains what steps are necessary to enable a member meeting runs smoothly and correctly. What is to plan in advance and do? How to convene the General Assembly, how it performed and prepared? Also evidence the lawyer on the relevant principles in the law, warn against typical defects of statute and refers to traps and mistakes in the practical Implementation. Participants can easily from the desktop follow the introductory seminar, button in between asking questions and interact with each other. The online seminar will take place on Tuesday, the November 10, 2009, 18:30, is free, and takes about 60 to 90 minutes. Applications under: Association / onlineSeminars Association of Redmark under the label Association to mark the Haufe established media group with its high-quality offer to the Club’s management as a competent partner of the clubs and associations. The Haufe media group is one of the leading German media companies for high-quality professional information and powerful application software in the fields of Economics, law, taxes. Around 1,000 employees serve more than 800 products, as well as an annual 150 new releases.

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