Conclusion the Health directly is tied with the Basic Sanitation. Illnesses would be prevented and eliminated if it had investment in this sector. Not obstante, the government is insensitive to the integration of the sectors of Sanitation with the one of Health and/or with the one of Hdricos Resources. When implanting the National Politics of Hdricos Resources and the National System of Management of the Hdricos Resources, through Law 9,433/97, objective did not define the criteria of ability for exploration; at least it established integration with other sectors (ECHEVENGU, 2007). absence of investments in so basic item as the sanitation services has impacts on the health of the population and the environment. The study of the IBGE sample that, in 2000, had been more than registered 800 a thousand cases of six illnesses – affection, malaria, hepatitis, leptospirose, tifo and yellow fever – that they are directly on to me the quality of the water, to floods, the lack of adequate treatment of the sewer and the garbage. In that year, 3 a thousand children with less five year had more than died of diarria.
The research of the IBGE demonstrates great inaquality in the distribution of the services for the great regions of the Country. The Southeastern region if detaches as the area with the best services of sanitation. On the other hand, the regions Northeast and North are the ones that present the worse indices. North-eastern, more than the half of the cities does not count on net of sewer and water supply. Unhappyly, in Brazil, the way in the direction of the definition of a regulatory landmark still is long. But, for the context current of stability economic and retaken gradual of the economic growth, from the second half of 2003, a deep transformation in the regulation of the sector expects so that, thus, transport investments have success.