There serious problem in the market working with innovators – they are difficult to 'catch' something for a long time. They are hardly loyal, they are difficult to promote something physical. Therefore, numerically small, innovative segments are only 'Battering ram' for the introduction of new products for the mass market, and make them major strategic stake is not necessary. In the group of innovators is most often composed of young wealthy people, which many consider the core retail markets target audience, and their inconsistency is confusing to entrepreneurs all the cards. Ease of communications, consumer confidence and speed of decision making innovators bribes, but a total budget of these groups is negligible for most industries. To 'start pulse' innovators should not rely on the markets 'without emotion', where goods are too standardized and faceless.
These people seek emotional vibrations in all, with what face, and if product does not pose such a possibility, the innovator will be nothing of interest. Given that communications with this segment are quite expensive in the markets standardized products is better to rely on other segmnty. Conservatives. On the opposite pole to the novelty of the relationship is another group – conservatives. Before you buy anything, these consumers seek to maximize its decision to reinforce people's experience. In fact, their buying decision – it is far not their own. Before conservatives get first-hand experience to evaluate the purchase, this is filled with reviews, all consumer information space, from personal communications to the Internet and press.