Max Weber

Durkheim admitted the conservadorismo of its method, therefore it considered that the social facts were difficult to be modified, although not to be immune the transformations. It believed that, from a new moral order, together with a solidarity feeling, the society would be each time more joust and the individual would reach the joy of its happiness. To this it classified it perspective, as well as its sociology, as evolucionista. In relation the Max Weber, Lwy defends the existence of a great imperfection in its theory, when believing that the social researcher can define questions in its research and thus arrive the accepted and universally recognized answers without passing for the ideological field or of value. That is, she is necessary to understand that the scientist, when choosing an object of study, metodolgico procedure, or when defining a question of its research, already is making an option, already it takes a position and it arrives the interpretations which are influenced by the way where it lives. In fact, as if it can imagine that the scientist abandons its conception of world and she does not suffer any influence from the social environment? According to Lwy, Weber was having this reply, even so recognized the close paper of the relation of values with the researcher. Michael Lwy, however, believes that certain approach occurs enters the ideas of Weber and the positivista sociology of Durkheim, although to know that Weber was not influenced by the positivismo.

For Lwy, this approach if of the one in ' ' postulate of the axiolgica neutrality of sciences sociais' '. The sociology of Max Weber is based on the unfastening of the judgments of value for the scientist (axiolgica neutrality), even so the scientific inquiry is not free of values. This wants to say that, although the values to determine the course of a research, the produced results must be always free of any estimated valorativo.

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