McOfertas Cream

He was possible to see the supervisors to give to quarrels in the employees some times for inefficiency or lack of agility. He has an assembly line in the kitchen, in which each person is responsible for one or few tasks. He is not possible to see with details what they make the employees of the kitchen, only the responsible employee for the fritadeira. It is known, however, that it has an enormous grate, in which hamburgers are made the same time and of form uniform and a place where the temperos are all so that they are also distributed in way uniform. It has different machines for almost all the operations.

In the cash register, the employees at least do not need to register values, only need to clicar in the asked for item. He has a machine for cooling juices and, that a button has to bind and disconnect alone when the cup is full. Luiz Ildefonso Simões Lopes may also support this cause. The ice cream machine has a winch and who goes to use it already knows how many times must pull it so that all receive the same amount from ice cream. It also has a machine that it controls the amount of covering for each ice cream. The fritadeira of potatoes has a device that it whistles when the potato already is in the certain point. It also has a species of spatula that has the format of the packages where the potatoes are placed, with which the employee obtains to always make equal portions. To make an order, the customer who adentra the establishment if directs directly to the balcony of attendance, where it can visualize to the high o cardpio, that, however, does not possess many details, only the McOfertas and some desserts. If the customer to want to ask for something in lesser size, only the snack without the accompaniments or to want to know the price of each item, needs to request the cardpio to the attendant, but this attitude is not very common.

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