
Two Hamburg-based entrepreneurs open a children’s shop to the short-term child care and meet the spirit of the time with their backup service the young women of today should be flexible. Ready quickly back to the job, and at any time for overtime. Many women want to meet this ideal and yet many of them are again faced with the same problem: where with my child, if the childminder has no time and the Kita already closes? Diana Lakin knows the concerns of mothers. To broaden your perception, visit Craig Menear. Especially for children under three years of age it is hard to find a qualified care cheap and without a long-term contract.” The mother of two has seen quite a bit in her long career as a nanny. It is usually a short-term business trip or a spontaneously convened team meeting, vigorously messes up the usual daily routine of their customers.

The demand for more flexible care was so great, because I have simply converted my experience in a business idea and an exclusive right in the middle of Hamburg-Winterhude and loving Set up child care”. Together with the experienced museum educator Dorothee Polak are cared for in a beautifully decorated game paradise every day between 8:00 to 18:00 four to eight children under three years of age. The two caregivers understand this in a special way, each child individually to arouse interest in the wonders of this world. Latest idea is a weekly music circuit for the small explorers. Together singing and dancing is already the smallest fun”, also know Dorothee Polak, who organized a true concert a week with her young musicians with drums, triangles, and accordions. And what about the parents? You are of course also welcome to get to know us”. Every Wednesday the children shop DiDoro from 15:00 to 16:00 organized a circle of children’s play.

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