Mixer Design

Today, when the bathroom and the kitchen is actually lost their utilitarian purpose, the mixer also stopped to perform solely clerical duties, and became an integral part of interior. Nowadays bathroom is no longer just a room for procedures, personal hygiene, recreation and relaxation. The kitchen is often replaced in a city apartment living. So here is important every detail, and the functional elements should not only be comfortable, but also complements the overall composition. "Modern design – a synthesis of available functionality and perfection of form, – says Alexei Yermolin, director of marketing for grohe (Groe), a leading global manufacturer of sanitary fittings. – Therefore, our design concept is based on three basic principles: simplicity, humanity and excellence in service.

" So how do you find the right mixer that he successfully blended into the interior of the bathroom or kitchen? Thus, for the bathrooms in the "vintage" (colonial) style fit faucets with cross vents and "aged" metal coating. In a modern, dynamic room, ideal for Single-lever device in the style of high-tech. Fans will choose the modern bright and expressive product with a color surface. However, the absolute leaders of the market are chrome-plated faucets. Perhaps we should pause to separate the latest trends in ergonomic fittings.

Thus, modern faucet does not necessarily represent the device, combined in one box. Spout and controls can be implemented as separate elements, which allows you to have them in an arbitrary manner relative to each other. It is a built-in mixers. Their body is "hidden" in a special box, mounted on the wall, and outside is just the spout and controls. Another finding of recent years – the mixer on the shelf. This original design creation will be most welcome in the bathroom with a nonstandard plan executed in the style of fusion.

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