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Creative economy as the engine of growth lags behind Germany Dusseldorf – old Fordism, to which belongs the seemingly safe job on time, is past. This isn’t back, also not in a modified version, as some believe that today. No one can retrieve Germany in the sixties, as Economist Rolf Sternberg. He warns, the game room, resulting from the change, not to use. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Jeff Flake. There are always more people who demand their freedom and use. \”And they also enforce that without a doubt,\” he says. It was all the more problematic, this clear trend towards greater independence in the cultural and normative persistently ignore.

Self-employment as a form of acquisition or goal in life plays a role in the schools. That leads to the development of a grotesque, because actually, more and more people are self-employed in the strict sense, so themselves decide on their work and success.\” \”And they also enforce that without a doubt,\” he says. Was all the more problematic it that this clear trend towards more autonomy in work cultural and normative persistently ignored. Self-employment as a form of acquisition or goal in life plays a role in the schools. That leads to the development of a grotesque, because actually, more and more people are self-employed in the strict sense, so themselves decide on their work and success.\” In other countries, not only in the United States, which is quite different.

The example shows the relationship between a thoroughly reformed state that is fit for the 21st century, Denmark and positive mission occupied independence which very clearly: the years of doldrums Denmark used specifically for a complete reconstruction of its social system, which is still the best in the world as one. Rigid labour law, which looked very similar as that which brings Germany still against his economic development in attack, was abolished\”, Sternberg stressed.

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