In addition, a hastily Trained Hindu operators are not always have time to really understand the topic to be discussed on the phone with customers. But there was nothing to be done: the lower the cost of the service, the worse the quality and the customer is always forced to seek a compromise. Experts recommend seven to consider before you choose the cheapest option, since the call-center – a person of the company, even if it is a thousand miles from headquarters. Recently, cheap overseas call-centers have new competitors: home-based operators who answer calls in a bathrobe and slippers. A typical portrait of "homeworkers" – Mother of European families, who value above all comfort of home. On According to Booz Allen Hamilton, these workers on average a quarter of a productive office operators. Turnover rate among them is about 10%, while in the whole industry – above 50%.
The survey showed that over the next two years outwork scheme call-center organizations are going to test 22% of the companies. Compromise on the criterion of "price-quality" option – call-centers, built in Eastern Europe, beginning to pull over customer service. Expenditure on staff there is 2-2.5 times lower than in Western Europe. But the Russian outsourcing call-centers as long as foreigners keep away from (one of the few exceptions – the draft National Call Center). This stems from the same "factor of Shakespeare": even the highest level technical education of Russian citizens do not compensate for the language of dumbness. And the myth of cheap labor in Russia, it's time to say goodbye. "Russian call-centers to compete with the Indian, who are gaining Operators just a penny – the director of marketing for "Caravan" Andrew Tsoumani .– In Russia today is almost impossible to find an operator with knowledge of the English language on wages less than $ 800.