Old Paradigm

We live in a conditional society by the Old Paradigm, in which we used the universal laws to the inverse one, this great problems have created us since instead of to prepare to us from happy and functional young people to be, we occur to the search of the ideal love using, unfortunately, the Law of the Attraction to the inverse one. We go by the world committing a series of errors that to little by little fill of scars and sad memories us that they create a barrier for the True Love. In this article I share with you 4 of the most common errors they move away that you of the true love, once you become conscious of these errors, you will be able to avoid them to be happier and mainly abrir the door to him to that GREAT LOVE that is hoping to you and that perhaps it is more near which you imagine. ERROR #1 " To look for love to correct your feelings of solitude or tristeza" The worse thing than you can do is to look for even when you are in a depression state, sadness, solitude, low self-esteem et cetera. As everything attracts its equal, if beams this, you run risk of attracting a person who is equivalent to this type of vibrations, that is to say somebody that feels like depressed equal of, sad and that it looks for to you like a diversion, to only spend the short while and even uses to you like salvation trunk. It can be that also this person arrives at your life to make the negative feelings greater of solitude and sadness including which your self-esteem goes away to the ground with more depth than before. ERROR # 2 " To leave your thoughts negative they have the control of your vida" To leave your thoughts negative they are in charge to create your reality, without reviewing them, supervising them and without making changes conscious she is another one of the things that are affecting to you in the pair area.

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