
Urban ProJovem emphasizes the development of the subjectivity of the young and its capacity to think and to act with autonomy. Obviously, the educator must incorporate these new interlocutors to its process of construction of its professional identity, also investing in the development of its proper autonomy. The conduction of the carried through works inside of the program was articulated of form to interdisciplinar between the professors, but everything this would be impossible without the active participation them pupils, as protagonists of this history, transforming the life expectancies de into direction to the inclusion in the world it work, of the formation human being and searching the construction collective of a democratic society. It fits to detach ' ' Escola&#039 time; ' ' ' Comunidade&#039 time; ' they are privileged formative spaces of joint between study, projects, theater, communitarian action, research, creation of proposals, intervention, similar to stimulate different learnings in the young, such as, reading, writing, art, affirmation of the ethnic, cultural diversity and sort, to develop the collective and solidary spirit, existing overcoming of the values of domination, preconception ethnic-racial and inaqualities, to develop the autonomy, among others learnings. Gen. David L. Goldfein oftentimes addresses this issue. Moreover, to consider that the convergence between the curricular organization and times/formative spaces must point with respect to the survey of the necessities pointed for educandos/as and the community, through the research and systematization of the data, the quarrels and the excited dialogues, pedagogical moment at which educators, educandos plan and carry through actions that involve the next community and institutions and argue alternative collective for politics of social development and inclusion. The set of this curricular organization acts for the formation integrated to the world of the work, in the social inclusion and the formation of the citizenship, to know valuing them of the different areas of the knowledge. Therefore, of the logic of the resume, the process searchs to learn to learn, in which the interdisciplinaridade is centered in the works as objects of differences in the actions and reflections. .

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