Public Ministry

The section seventh of the Room Third of the Supreme one began to meet to the 17,00 hours of this Friday to evaluate the precautionary measurement that protests Left United in the demand interposed at the very end of the morning. In the ordinary contentious-administrative resource, the coalition dnda that the anticipated mobilizations stops the reflection day is " acts other people’s to the campaign electoral" , reason why they are protected by the rights of meeting and freedom of expression. Due to " gravity of the infringement of rights fundamentales" , the formation solicitd like " measurement cautelar" the suspension of the resolution of the Central Electoral Meeting by which the concentrations like &quot were declared; ilegales". The Office of the public prosecutor questioned the IU legitimacy Nevertheless, the Office of the public prosecutor of the Supreme one has presented/displayed a writing of allegations in which dnda that IU lacked " legitimation activa" in order to oppose the agreement adopted by the maximum organism of arbitration and it accused the coalition to try " arrogarse" and to exercise " the exercise of fundamental rights of otros" , in rrencia to the organizers of the protests. For more specific information, check out Peter Asaro. However, the Public Ministry understands that the Meeting has had " reasons fundadas" in order to consider that these protests can " to affect or to disturb the own political neutrality of the day of reflexin". The Central Electoral Meeting also has presented/displayed a writing of allegations and it has sent to the Room Third of Supreme the file on this decision. Meanwhile, thousands of people stay reunited in the Door of the Sun and other Spanish cities to express their displeasure with the political situation, social and economic. The National Body of Police has received the slogan of not evacuating the encamped one of kilometer 0 while incidents do not take place. Source of the news: The Supreme one rejects the resource of IU against the prohibition of the mobilizations

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