Refractory Materials

The value of the building materials industry in our country is huge – from their production levels depend entirely on the pace and quality of construction works. The main areas of industrial and technological progress building materials are creating new and improving existing processes, providing production of products with minimal energy, material and human resources; production of new types of building materials and products with specified properties that meet the highest standards of construction, the widespread introduction of low-waste and waste-free technologies, the use of secondary food production. Different operating conditions of buildings and structures, the parameters of technological processes cause a variety of requirements for building materials, and hence the very extensive range of properties: strength at normal or high temperature (the latter characterizes the heat-or fire-resistant material), water resistance, resistance to the action of various salts, acids and alkalis, shlakostoykost (which is of particular importance in metallurgical processes), etc. No less important in the construction and engineering permeability (or impermeability) materials for liquids, gases, heat, cold, electrical and radiation. Finally, materials for decoration of residential and public buildings, parks and gardens should be beautiful, durable and strong. Refractories is a substance manufactured on the basis of natural raw materials and evolved the ability to maintain without significant violations of their consumer properties in various states of service at high heat.

Used for the operation of metallurgical operations (annealing, burning, high-design units (reactors, structural elements). Refractories are in use are referred to as refractory scrap and used in processing and in the lining of furnaces. Main number of heat-resistant components implemented in the form of simple products cuboid shape, weighing several kilograms. It is a universal figure for the interior lining of various localization. On Today in the fire industry begins sustained reduction in the issuance of refractories in the form of simple parts and a corresponding increase in the production of fire-resistant concrete and consistencies.

Refractory materials are characterized by multiplied by the strength at high temperatures, chemical inertness. According to the formula refractory ceramic material is a compound of refractory silicates, carbides. In Pale Fire resistant material material CO2 is used (graphite). First of all it's not made of metal material, heat-resistant holding not less than one thousand five hundred and eighty degrees, are used almost everywhere where you need to conduct a process at high temperatures.

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