Renault Megane

The data picked up by the Association Spanish of Renting in the first semester of 2011 presented some data exceeds how the crisis sector is evolving at this moment and which are the edges that are moving to renting in Spain. Between the most outstanding data, beyond those of the sales, she excels that the Renault Megane and Opel Standard have been placed to the front of the classification in demanded cars more. The Renault Megane is an extensive tourism that can be of three or five doors. On the other hand Opel Standard is a Saloon car with inner door that we can find with a price renting of 398 monthly Euros, with all the advantages including in the budget of renting of Arval. Besides these data it emphasizes that 91.65% of the fleet correspond to diesel engines, and 8.35% rest are made up of vehicles with motor gasoline.

By term of duration renting in Spain is placed in an average of 45.46 months. Thus by Independent Communities Madrid and Catalonia they continue to the front of the classification as far as the level of penetration of renting in Spain. In Madrid the penetration is of a 36.83% of the total, whereas in Catalonia is of a 26.56% of the total. By activities it is the Qumica Industry and Pharmaceutical the one that have turned upside down more with renting of vehicles, followed of Comercio wholesale and Intermediaries of the commerce.

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