Note that in the Russian Mail order retailers almost never practiced. And for good reason. Indeed, as experience shows from companies such as Yves Rocher and "Le Monti" in this field to achieve good results. (As opposed to Lehman Brothers). One of the first retailers began to trade in the catalogs Yves Rocher. Despite the fact that the range of products, which can be ordered by catalog, retail less (in Yves Rocher is explained by the lack of space in the warehouse, located in Tver), Yves Rocher sales exceeds the amount of catalog retailers.
Catalogue educational program entrepreneur interested in the possibility of directories would get a lot of new knowledge related to the characteristics this trade. The main thing that you notice is the correct selection of the range. Ian Thieme – author of international bestseller "Manage catalog sales" gives this advice: need a range of personality. Well-chosen assortment meets three requirements: suitable for mail order. Determined by calculations, the possible logistical problems, the practice of redeemable products, relationships with legislative requirements and consumer motivation; corresponds to the target groups, tested in the competition (as in mail order and from a fixed retail trade). When pricing will need to consider some other features: for example, mark-up on clothes for trade with the directory is about 60%, because a significant percentage of this category of returns and there is a high probability that the goods do not fit (size, color, etc.). At the same time, the margin on hardware is usually 30%, since the main technical parameters have been identified in the product description.