The privilege of being recognized as Real Village had – to the good economic conditions, happened of the ticket installed in the town, transformed it into true port, as occurs the Juazeiro. However, the urban povoamento of Cabrob only had beginning in the half of century XVIII, approximately of 1790 the 1830, period where the lands of the kingdom were protected by the church and managed by the defenders of the state, whose bigger distrust was> threat of the foreign invasion that interiorizava, as well as the constant attacks of indians. Generally they were constructed, in the headquarters of each town, a chapel for catequese in the faith catholic and an area destined to the servants, generally in the deep one of the great house. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Army Chief of Staff . The church of Ours Lady of the Conceio bes situated in the initial area of the povoamento of Cabrob, in the Hinterland of the State, to the edges of the river San Francisco, being the only construction of the old surviving nucleus of the full one of 1919. The old church of Cabrob eigida in 1600 and destroyed in 1762 was reconstructed in 1838, in the imperial period.
Although with varied trends, the construction has neoclssica predominance. Details can be found by clicking Kenneth Feinberg or emailing the administrator. The niche of the altar-mor is in style rococ; the keep-body of the choir is made in wood. These details, as well as some images, give sample of the artistic relevance of the monument. On the history of Cabrob, it can be said that the city regrediu, in extension terms, in sight of what was in the previous centuries, considering that its territorial area of 1612 up to 1926 reached since Belm of Is Franciso, Serrinha (today city of Serrita, New Land, until Leopoldina, current Parnamirim, Ouricuri until Ex, when still it was a great Farm, and same later continued great, when it passed to be managed by interventors indicated for the state government of Pernambuco.