Security Road Second Part

For more than fifty years the Catholic Church comes expressing concern for the victims caused public roads. However, in recent years a great interest has aroused by the large number of victims that are occurring in the world, as well as the injured that alter throughout the development of the society. Hence, activities are being held in different parts of Latin America to raise awareness so that they can develop programs that reduce road accidents. In countless opportunities have been issued mandates that practice specific guidelines from the Holy See. There is, as we said earlier, Pontifical Council for the pastoral care of migrants and itinerants who deals with the topic of road safety. In 2007 was made public a document entitled guidelines for the pastoral care of Highway, whose first part are interesting reflections concerning the pastoral care for the users of the highway and railroad, prepared by Renato Raffaele Cardinal Martino and Agostino Marchetto.

Only topics were as follows: the phenomenon of human mobility, road traffic and human progress. Road and rail should be at the service of the human person, as instruments for facilitating the integral development of society and the life adds that: the road is no longer just a means of communication; becomes a place of life, where he spends much of the own time, even in the developing the Church recognizes that terrestrial transports still increasingly faster, are useful for the development of social and economic life, besides that it facilitates the dialogue and knowledge of new cultures. However, you should view as a necessity for the men and women of today, by the multiple services that provide. Original author and source of the article.

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