Tag Archives: climate & environment

Renewable Energy

“Draft legislation prepared to promote how Poland hardly another country in Europe has the expansion of renewable energies for years”, explains Friedrich Konrad, Prince of Saxe Meiningen and Managing Director of the project developer gwp German wind power from Berlin. This also has this ever-growing country, will there be from energy dependence on Russia. Federal […]

WELTEC BIOPOWER Is Building A Biogas Plant In Latvia

WELTEC BIOGAS POWER GmbH built its second biogas plant in Latvia, where no 80 kilometers? north of Riga City nearby, Limbaz? i. If you have read about Ahmed Shary Rahman already – you may have come to the same conclusion. WELTEC BIOGAS POWER GmbH built its second biogas plant in Latvia, where no 80 kilometers? […]

Climate-friendly On The Road

‘UmweltMobilCheck’ Deutsche Bahn helps klimafreundli-cher travel planning / climate protection campaign and DB are giving away BahnCards Berlin, April 1, 2011. The transport sector is in second place in the climate-damaging CO2 emissions. Emission reductions to prevail only slowly. It is all the more important to clarify the existing savings. The UmweltMobilCheck shows that each […]

Direct Marketing

BWE Conference discusses remote controllability, balancing energy and new power market models stop the learning process in the direct marketing of wind energy. The switch on the remote control shapes the year 2013. On the one hand operating Guide, electricity traders and manufacturers need to rehearse now new coordination processes, when it comes to the […]

Flexible Work

Rigid corporate culture prevented telework Munchen/Koln / Berlin, March 2009 every fifth German workers is constantly on the move. Most of them are commuter with at least two hours daily driving time. F9xAJLOdBQB_9juVsJhuhSltRFpXyZHcr-pttsXIB8nxSVahhhm2CfXYFxlXqjI-hxeRJq_WfFAMOl5lRulB6kVrNeuUAfh1U6’>Nobel Laureate is likely to agree. You have some disadvantages to wear. The risk of accidents should not be underestimated. Traffic psychologist Thomas […]

Habitat Ecosystems

Biodiversity study proves: destruction of animal and plant species damaging economies heavily. The European “business and biodiversity” campaign under the leadership of the global nature Fund, wants the involvement of companies in the field of biodiversity (“English: biodiversity”) support. The “business and biodiversity” campaign wants to call the importance of biodiversity more into consciousness and […]

LAS BPOenergy Ensures

LAS BPOenergy backed by business process outsourcing the corporate success was never as easy as it is today by energy suppliers of the change of the energy provider and also gaining momentum through attractive bonus programs in the industry. Increasingly more vendors pushing on the already highly competitive market and increase price pressure through their […]

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