The Customer

In this situation, it does not go on the plan, the marketing mix or the systems approach the customer, professionalism, skill, education and modern technical equipment of the Contractor. And the Customer and the Contractor decide a similar task – to survive and help to solve the same problem the bulk of the consumers of this country. I am not in any way trying to insult or demean any one nor the other, simply describing the situation, I want to illustrate the fact that the state affairs and commodity market activity and, consequently, the industries they serve, determines the purchasing power of the population. Certainly among the Russian companies – producers of final consumption is the company working for the wealthy population, and they are in competition with foreign enterprises producing goods for the same population. Number of enterprises as little as it is small in absolute numbers, their consumer audience (country-wide). To get an idea of the state of affairs in the packaging market in the advanced segment of the Russian manufacturers suggest themselves to readers to answer several questions: How many years of Russian business and the capitalist market goods and services in Russia? Who heads the business, what is the marketing education of these people? What is the state is the system of Russian business education, who teaches at these universities, and whether these people own practices and successful market activities (known) business projects in its portfolio? Are there specialized programs and methods of leadership training and professional tactical companies in the field: marketing director, merchandiser, brand manager, advertising director, director of PR, etc., who teaching these subjects? Are there training programs for professionals in the field of psychology of consumer perception? What is their effectiveness? How many years of Russian advertising? Who works in the Russian advertising, what the average educational level of Russian ad? There is today a clear specialization in areas of professional activity among the Russian advertising agencies? How many today Day advertising agency, whose leadership is concerned about raising the level of training of their employees? Is there a Russian advertising agency structural units responsible for Marketing analysis of industrial and consumer markets? What percentage of these agencies in the total mass and the level of experts in these units? What is the status, education, and the powers of advertising account executives Agencies (brand managers of the project by the Contractor)? At what level and what is the status of self-regulatory system of the Russian advertising market? How serious is the Russian advertising agency related to the issues Ethics? Recommendations to professional players of the market of packaging design and producers would like to highlight the following points of concern, a decision which may improve the quality of packaging as means of communication.

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