The Purple Land

The Purple Land is a written book, if my memory does not me fail, at the end of the 19th century by the Englishman William Henry Hudson. Perhaps the name not sound them much, since the author is not internationally known, however, to my it caught my attention and I will explain why. The title of the book originally was The purple land that England lost, then it was changed to The purple land, Being One Richard Lamb s Adventures in the Banda Oriental. And the author later explained why the name: I will call my book The Purple Land. Do For what more suitable name can one find for a country so stained with the blood of her children? Do now know that I am talking about, no? Or at least you can imagine.

The book is our small country. To my me is very interesting as an Englishman born in Argentina devoted to Ornithology had taken the time to write about the Banda Oriental in the 19th century. The striking of this book is the perspective that Hudson gives over Uruguay, the description that the author makes about us to the principle is shokeante but then I understood his point of view. The Uruguay is not one country like any other. Many who were not born here, see it as an intriguing country, with a fascinating history. A story that has not yet completed. We are still making history around the world with our scarce 3 million inhabitants.

Maybe my pride as Eastern, but I am convinced that with the inches that we are, we have found our little, but even so distinguished, place in the world. But the Uruguay now isn’t the Uruguay of 50 years ago. The place that we gain in the world are losing it day by day, and in my opinion started to lose almost 50 years ago.

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