Time Campaign

In this sense, I will say to you that it can be so dangerous not to have sufficient budget like having an amount over the real needs of your campaign. Generally, all the campaigns have an ideal budget (yours also). When your ideal budget is over which you can permitirte, you do not try to realise the campaign with less money. The result will be poor. In these cases, which has sense is to define another type of campaign that does not enter On the other hand, within your possibilities either you would have to invest over which it marks that ideal budget to you because you will end up burning resources that will not contribute the return to you that delays.

It calculates the ideal budget of your idea and verifies that it is to your reach. 5. – Not to pay sufficient attention to the creativity. Doubtless, the creativity is one of the tactically important points of any campaign. The companies that are able to give with the suitable creativity are able to secure to their objectives by far less money. It thinks about it: the original creativity, the one that hits in the mind of the consumers, remembers much more.

Of this form it secures two simultaneous effects: on the one hand it increases the notoriety of the product or service at issue and, on the other hand, and due to that increase of notoriety, you will need less resources to realise your communication. As you can see, the result is perfect: greater notoriety with smaller investment. Can be asked more? 6. – Not to choose suitable mass media. natural tendency at the time of designing a publicity campaign consists of using traditional means, those of always, you have come as it doing in other campaigns and it has come since it making your competition.

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