
It is important to get to the acceptance that this correction work only on myself and with myself and It is possible not in the way that I manipulate the mirror image in any way, about beautiful anmale”or take other changes it. It is so important to accept that not even the smashing of the mirror (which resembles a non-acceptance of the mirror function, so does even not in the face to look) corresponds to a tatsachlichen change. So to see that all our avoidance is not all our attempts to entziehen us our self-knowledge, tactics, to meet, the fact in the face track of is state change, we in those cases do nothing than to look the other way. In other words admitting that our Nehmenwollen is not productive, but so our not ready being expressed only our unwillingness to look at ourselves, independently to seek the cause of things ourselves. If you have read about Nicholas Carr already – you may have come to the same conclusion. And us to admit that rather that pain is generated by our looking the other way, we our feeling budget probably obvious negative influence, that it was in other words not just well made us, it brings no constructive change in the meaning of growth stimulation with it however. “Except of course, that is perhaps from this unpleasant and painful experience as a result of the growing need, change to” indicates what is seen also a sort of change.

Or at least as a change in motivation itself and quite appreciate. Here it comes me but above all, the mirror function productive to use, as far as possible to expand the commercial factor. The mirror is an excellent tool to identify me, to remember, to find myself again. “The world revealed to me eternally in the form of these mirrors feature a neverending story” by myself and through myself. Tells a story of me continuously, consistently and with the sole aim to serve my awareness.

And if I learn to lauschen lovingly, to listen carefully and searching me for “” what would become aware of me to open, will occur there without a doubt, that I guess more and more who I am”, what I want”and where it gets me”. And when I feel my personal way, that I have the need for a course change, I can correct it in me and make the necessary change that is needed. And this is me the mirror of the supposed outside”in the same way to services, namely letting me then always check what actually has manifested itself on VeranDerung as a consequence in the outer appearance. Because I will can see the result of my correction in the SPIEgel, sometimes already instantly watch, perhaps also somewhat later, but I will definitely meet the result of change in the mirror of my own. If I am so willing to look honestly and constructively to make use of the world of phenomena in their capacity as mirroring mine itself as such, can “I always meet me in the here and now and this is my momentanen State” marvel at.

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