Waidhofen Thaya

The municipality Wischathal was separated from the municipality of Eitzersthal and elevated to an own municipality. The community of Wolf Brunn was separated from Sun Mountain. In addition, the communities of Durnleis and Semmering were charged to independent municipality. The municipal code for the municipalities of lower Austria, the Community statute of the municipality of Vienna, the municipal elections in lower Austria and the Municipal Council election rules in lower Austria was regulated Municipal Code, statute of municipality, municipal elections and Municipal Council election rules in the communities within the local authority policy as part of the State sector. In the communities within the framework of taxation and tax policy as part of the economic sector Fischau, Gainfarn, Breitenstein and Walker were set in communities a beautification tax beautification tax. Tax allocations were in the communities within the framework of taxation and tax policy as part of the economic sector in the municipalities of Alfang, Altendorf, Altenmarkt, Altlengbach, old man, Altpolla, Amaliendorf, Annaberg, Aspang, Atzenbrugg.

St. Bernard, Boheimkirchen, brand-Laaben, Breitenfeld, Buchbach, St.Corona, Dietmannsdorf, Dreistetten, Durnbach, boar Weis, Edlitz, Eggendorf, yew stone, Enzersfeld, Earth Weis, Erlach, Ernstbrunn, Feischen, Feistritz the Exchange, Feldberg, felling, flan village, Frankenfels, Frauenhofen, Fuchs, Furth on the Triesting, Ganserndorf, Gaiselberg, gaming, Gansbach, Gastern, Geras, Gloggnitz, counts Sulz, grilling mountain, Grimmenstein, big Pertholz, big Russbach, Grunbach at Schneeberg, Gschaidt, Gundschachen, Hadersfeld, Hainfeld, Harmansdorf, Hernstein, high new churches, Hochwolkersdorf, Hoflein, Moscow, Hollenstein an der Ybbs, Jarolden, Karlstein, box, Kirchau, Kirchberg at the Exchange, Kirchschlag, Kleinhoflein, Kottlach, Kollmitzgraben, Kranichberg, Kronberg, Krumbach, Kurnberg, Langegg, Langschwarza, Leiben, Lichtenegg, Limbach, Litschau, Loibersdorf, Lunz am see, Mallersbach, Manhartsbrunn, Mace, Matzendorf, Mautern, Miesbach, Mitterbach, Vienna, Mollram, Mole man village, Molzegg, Muggendorf, Muthmannsdorf, Niederedlitz, Nussdorf at the Traisen, Oberdanegg, Obermeisling, Benfleet, Obersulz, Ostra, Payerbach, Peigarten, Pernitz, Boigen, Pottenstein, Pucberg Schneeberg, Puratth, Fira, Raglitz, Ramplach, Reinberg Litschau, Reitzenschlag, tube, Rutzendorf, Sallingstadt, Schandachen, Scheiblingkirchen, Scheidel village, blow, Schonau, Schrattenbach, Schrems, jet stream, Seibersdorf, Senftenbergeramt, Sieding, Simonsfeld, Sittendorf, Solling, Stattersdorf, Steinbach, Christoper Hill, Stossing, Stollhof, Saddi, Thallern, Thaures, Thiermannsdorf, Thiefenthal, Troibetzberg, Turnitz, St.Veit an the Triesting, Waidhofen Thaya, Walpersbach, warning, Watzmanns, Weinern. Set Wetzleinsdorf Wiesmath, Wilhelmsdorf, Winzensdorf, Wopfing, Wurflach, Wurmbrand, Zobern, Zuggers and Zwentendorf. Fire wine duty and wine duty in the communities within the framework of taxation and tax policy as part of the economic sector has been in the community Vienna controlled providing brand wine and wine making. Charges equivalent supplements in the communities within the framework of taxation and tax policy as part of the economic sector Vienna was regulated in the community charges equivalent supplements.

Totalisateurabgaben was settled in the communities within the framework of taxation and tax policy as part of the economic sector in the municipality of Vienna the Totalisateurabgabe. Earthiness in the production of grape must, self-produced and cider In the context of taxation and tax policy as part of the economic sector was regulated in the lower Austrian communities the earthiness of the production of fruit wine, grape must and self-produced. Steam boiler inspection Commissioners were ordered in the communities within the industrial policy as part of the economic sector in the municipalities of Baden, Bruck an der Leitha, Floridsdorf environment, Ganserndorf, Hietzing environment, Korneuburg, Mistelbach, Modling, Neunkirchen, Oberhollabrunn, Tulln and Vienna Neustadt steam boiler inspection Commissioners.

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