
Naturally, once on you will not drop a large sum, but over time you will begin to finally have a stable income, the value of which will not, is not limited by anything except your activity. Get down to business sponsors can divided into several categories: some pay you show banners, during your stay in the network. Second pay visits to websites of advertisers. Still others pay for the clicks and registration. But there are so-well sponsors, which combine several types of payment. All the most popular stayut sponsors, who pay the money through so-called electronic payments such as WebMoney, rather than by check or other method. You may ask – why? Quite simply, the sponsors, who pay for the work via WebMoney usually give money to the accumulation of your user tremendously insignificant amount that can actually might score a couple of days.

I'd like to stress that there will be two or three months of little value to check, which may simply not come to the addressee, for various reasons (loss of the post office, young hooligans who pulled out of the correspondence your mailbox, etc.). When paying by electronic payments, earning $ 1 (1WMZ) you'll be able to transfer money to, electronic purse, and from it they have will not disappear, if you do not izrashoduete them. This is not taking into account The site-sponsors that pay fees through WebMoney, usually are charging money for your virtual account is not on the end of the month, but after you do it any other job. Self-without saying it sponsors are paid through electronic wallets significantly higher than all others. It should be noted that, plus everything most WebMoney sponsors Russian-speaking and you will be much easier to understand the principles of their work either as it solve any problems.

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