What Is Socionics

What is Socionics? Socionics – is the study of human perception of information from the environment, the general trends in the reactions of people on this information. Socionics is studying how people interact with information environment environment and other people, identifying patterns, characteristic for different types of people. Socionics origins are of Jung. It was he who first isolated in the human psyche 4 functions: “thinking”, “feeling”, “feel” and “Intuition”, which is responsible for handling various pieces of information. By thinking he was referring to a thought process, under a sense of – the relationship and emotions, under a sense – perception of the senses, by intuition – perceiving intangible, time, predictions and ideas. Jung also used the concept of “extraversion” and “introversion”, describing the extroverts, as people focused more on the outside world than the inner. Introverts, he described how people which paid more attention inward.

Thinking and feeling Jung called rational functions, which assesses a person through all of the information through “the picture of the world”, “rational”. Feeling and intuition Jung refers to the “Irrational” features a man through them perceive physical sensations, predicts the course of events. Depending on whether a rational function of a priority for human or irrational, people are divided into rational and irrational. The result is 4 pairs of mutually exclusive functions (4 dichotomy): Thinking (Logic) – Feeling (ethics) sensation (sensory) – Intuition Extraversion – Introversion rationality – irrationality Remembering combinations of each of the 4 dichotomies, we get 16 sociotypes. In the early 1970’s Ausra Augustinavichyute based on Jung’s works was established theoretical model, which determines the overall trends in development and people’s reactions, one sotsiotipy and also to identify common trends and describe intertype relationships between people. Why Socionics? 1.

Using Socionics you can better understand themselves, their strengths and weaknesses, how to more effectively and more convenient to use. 2. Using Socionics you will make more sense the behavior of other people, their reactions and actions, strengths and weaknesses. 3. Realizing Socionics, you will be able to interact more effectively with others, will become clearer subtleties of human relations. It is important to understand: Do not take socionics as a kind of a tough division, but the description sociotypes and recommendations – such as 100% truth (sociotypes descriptions are not based on pure theory, but in the examples of life experiences, so can not be suitable for all 100%). In practice, something to match that, not really. Sotsiotipy – only a “skeleton” of a person – more than the type, all except the “skeleton” for each person individually, it is an add-in upbringing, life experiences, the influence of environment and personal qualities. Socionics – science practical. Understand her better, watching people, their reactions and behavior in different situations. It takes time. Out to accept yourself, as a representative of a certain sotsiotipy also takes time. The fact that two seemingly unlike people are representatives of one of tim – quite naturally. Apples are also very different – red, green, red and green, different sizes, etc. But they all belong to “apples”, rather than pears. With long-term monitoring of people (if there is even a small interest in Socionics, then the observation will take place by itself) you will see some general trends in some people.

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