Why Do 98% of Begining Internet Businesses Fail

To begin with, this applies not only to the Internet, and not just to businessmen, but to all people facing even less daunting challenge. In my opinion, the main blame is the lack of patience and determination. Let us consider the group launched an internet business, first of all think in pink, from all sides showered suggestions about earnings of thousands and tens of thousands of dollars and everything seems so like reach out and they will be yours, at this stage 99% fall into the neatly spaced network of swindlers and fired some of them already after finishing their communication with business on the Internet, those who are trying to move on beginning to realize that not everything is simple, try it in the RAA, but again there is no serious money, and anyway, and for further development needs its own website, “and how to do something if I do not know, and how Content stuff about what to write in it and on what to make that sell well, and so on, and I’m damn money and now just want a lot? “, at this stage, many are broken because bright idea of quick and easy money are split on the rocks reality, but some have coped, came up with found laid out and now he a real tool for making money on the soul is good and again there is a feeling that now the money will trample, and the realities of your site in general no one attends Search engines do not index the money on paid advertising there, and for free and can not advertise well and throw people in all heavy promotion and gain about three months of attendance up to 10 visitors a day (unless.. .

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