Why Is The Game Of The Year

Rich games reported critically about games every year once again face hundreds of thousands of people the question, what game they give away at Christmas. The sales of classics as monopoly, Cluedo, risk ‘ or settlers of Catan’ and Carcassonne’ are doing impressive. As well, the game of the year every year among the top sales in the toy stores. Games expert Michael Weber of the online magazine explains the success of the game of the year: the jury game of the year make it now for decades, to recommend to the people an interesting game which is generally accessible and interesting yet playful. Thus the Grand Prize game of the year over the years has become an award, which will be appreciated by consumers. The games expectations on a beautiful and exciting Board game for the family as a whole.” So many people from current play in the trade buy mostly blind”playing with the red logo of the jury, to a Orientation feature in the game market has become. However you must pay attention here, Weber: to distinguish game of the year and the same logo, is between the award the the additional nomination list ‘ bears.

This involves games, which also stood for the jury to choose, that are but not so family-friendly, such as the main prize.” Who want to buy the current game of the year, attacks to Dixit’ of the French publishing house Libellud. Also the children’s game of the year is very successful for several years. This is even better recommendation for Michael Weber: the choice of game news is so big Olympics family, that there are many good games for every taste also apart of recommendations. The level of the games is generally very high. Playing the children receives the award but a real top of the vintage.

Here, you can safely access and give the children fun. This year is for example with Diego Dragonfang ‘ elected a very beautiful and interesting kids game been. Only parents with the purchase of should keep in mind the age, not every game is suitable for example for four.” Online magazine Empire games rated well over a hundred games new releases each year and has published nearly 2,500 games reviews in the last nearly ten years. An intuitive navigation very clearly sorted the games and the games enthusiasts come to the desired games criticism. A rating system for stars shows readers at a glance how others have rated the game. Independent reviews discuss strengths and weaknesses of the games. The current games of the year are also critically reviewed.

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