Work Relationships

How much you feel a problem of relationship with the colleagues? When estora everything. When you feel problem with the pupil? When estora everything. Burnout estora before. It allows you to intervine before in the work process. the technology that we have today allows, perfectly, you to make one diagnosis of the work and to know where it is that you have that to move, what she is that you have that to modify.

They always ask: ‘ ‘ now what it is that I make against burnout? ‘ ‘ Alone it does not make nothing. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from bobby jain. Alone the only thing that you go to make is to take the blame itself for a problem that is not its. If the problem is of the organization of the work, is of it the questions that you have that to treat. It is there that you go to have that to deal with the question burnout, is not in the individual relation. You are not and its husband who does not give itself well. You are not and its son who is with problem. It is its relation with the work that is with problem and is this relation that it needs to be worked.

It is whom she needs to be well-taken care of. It is whom she needs to be seen. Burnout is a symptom that has some thing missed in its relation of work. … We are in an important movement, good, very very very great in the country in relation the evaluation. He has the Brazil Test that it examines all the schools. It has the Saeb that it evaluates the schools. This is happening in all the education levels and is very good that it happens. … But I am defending in the entire country, that this evaluation has that to be complemented with the evaluation of the psychological suffering of the professor.

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