Act Scenarios

For the Bachelor in management VENEZUELAN Carlos Mora Vanegas in this writing we delve into the importance that national universities, especially the schools of administration, ensure the formation of an administrator with the required profile according to as the reality of business today demands it. If you propose marching forward, do not dawdle facing backwards. Sanchez Tarazaga aspects Basic, considerations, suggestions of national universities management schools must know how to interpret the requirements demanded by the current scenarios for having a management capable of knowing it interpret, manage, plan, Act demands that the present needs. It must restructure the curriculum whereas new knowledge, administrative tools needed to play a role requirements demanded by current scenarios, especially the competitive, to succeed. Should schools not myopic in how business dynamics behave in the present, product of new openings, globalization, international treaties, alliances that are given; otherwise, should provide the required skills to what the developed economic scenarios demand.

We have been pointing in seminars, congresses, events in which we participated on this topic, the need for a profile of a more up-to-date management professional according to the managerial topics that are needed to ensure success. As well as also, forming a professional ethics, comprehensive, proactive, able to interpret changes, demands needed to be competitive; a true strategist, with a charismatic, participatory, leadership of great social responsibility and who know to use properly the human capital of the Organization, in order to encourage all. Must pay attention to their personal growth, self-esteem, assertiveness, empathy, communication in order to have a leadership committed to the demands of the present and that can integrate to the the economic scenarios require, to guarantee success to organizations where providing their services. Prepare them for an optimum identification in their interactions with the human factor that accompanies it, in the exercise of their tasks, functions, activities. We share with those institutions that indicate that the environment of the company presents new challenges that involve an adaptation to change, globalization, and competitiveness and this requires: that the present administrator know properly handle the modern managerial topics required to be competitive, guaranteeing the fulfillment of the mission, vision and of the companies in the current scenarios where acts.

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