May 04 course initiation digital identity: aimed at entrepreneurs Monica Carratala I decide to write a battery of articles in order to give support to those companies that still have not created your digital identity (from the web page to the use of social media), and that do not have very clear how to move into the digital world and how to choose a good supplierwhich offers them a truly effective service to survive in the network. (Source: Euro Pacific Precious Metals). I’m going to split this mini-curso in 6 chapters, trying to explain in the simplest way possible, all those too technical resources perhaps, but that we deploy in our business to achieve visibility on the internet: 1 definition of objectives and definition of target: what we want to achieve and who headed. 2Nd what are the keywords or keywords and why they are important. 3Rd choice of domain and hosting. 4 Common mistakes when designing our web site. 5Th how to improve our positioning in search engines: basic concepts.
6th What to do to create our digital identity.I hope that the mini-curso find interesting and productive. Are allowed of course, questions and comments! I take this opportunity to advance you the importance of the keywords or keywords: keywords are words or groups of words, for which users you will find in internet (search engines, like Google). For example, if you have a beauty centre where do waxing with laser, probably a keyword may be laser hair removal. And when users type in the search laser hair removal, your website should appear among the results. It is very important to properly define what will be our key words, because at the end we them use for everything: firstly, to achieve a good ranking in the results of Google… Optimizing the html of our web content. The keywords ask us when we want to enlist in a directory, a search engine… We will also use keywords to write a link to our website.
Everytime Let’s open a profile in social media (social networking, bookmarks social..) will need to know what are our most relevant keywords. We will also use them to compose a listing in Google for example. In short, the first thing we have to do is know what keywords most relevant to our business and from there, we will be working our digital identity.