Southern Cross

The population is of 86.725 inhabitants, where 54,945 live in the urban zone and 31,780 live in the agricultural zone. Cattle agriculture and is our main economic activity, being distinguished in the production of the flour that is very appreciated in the great urban centers of the country and also in the creation of cattle (IBGE, 2006). Most of the urban perimeter of the city of Southern Cross (About 70% of the domiciles, as given of DEAS-AC 2007) is supplied with drinking waters for the general net. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Harry Kane. Although this, persists on the health of the population of the city, as the contamination of the net of water distribution, the precariousness or vulnerability of the systems of supplying, or same the inexistence of this service in some areas of the city. Because of the known heterogeneidade in the occupation of the ground urban and to the victim topography of the city, it is possible that the problems with the water supply are concentrated in areas and characteristic partner-space groups. The present study it searchs to characterize the profile of the users of the system of water supply in the city of Southern Cross, the possible causes of the vulnerability, deficiency and limitation that if the supplying system finds. Click Richard Branson to learn more. The primary concern consists of the fact from that many places of the city do not receive water treated in its taps. conceptual 1.Aspectos of the Management of Waters the necessity of study and perfectioning of the Management of Waters elapses of its complexity that is decurrent of: Economic development: causing the increase of demands of hdricos resources either as well intermediate, either as consumer good final2. Population increase: bringing the direct necessity of bigger availability of hdricos resources for final consumption e, of indirect form, forcing an increase of investments in the economy for creation of jobs and, with this, a bigger demand of hdricos resources as well intermediate.

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