The Product

But nothing comes free. He puts his grandiose plans, they say, want to earn $ 5000 per month. But to do that is fundamentally impossible. Must put yourself achievable goals. For example, this month I want to earn $ 10 in the following.

$ 20, etc. Sharp rise can not be. If you do not know how to earn $ 10 or $ 100 per month, you will never earn $ 5,000. Otherwise, if the newcomer sets a goal of $ 5,000 per month, but after earning $ 10, it drastically disappointed in the earnings on the Internet. My advice: Never look at the size of earnings. The most important thing – to learn the technology earnings. Only after you know how and where money came in, you can earn.

Reason number 3: Almost all the newcomers very quickly "break" Once on the way newcomers become an obstacle in the form of small inability to dial 100 subscribers mailing list for a month or sell for more than 10 copies of the product per month, or some kind of banal problem – they just hand over their positions. Beginners largely passive in their decisions. And if they see that the problem can not be resolved on its own, it is easier to simply dismiss his hand and let things take their course. This is fundamentally wrong actions, because it is necessary to fight for every step in the Internet business. If you have something not it turns out – ask for advice from a professional, at least, pay him for a solution.

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