Central America

Cellulite can be caused by a poor diet in many cases. (Similarly see: Vyacheslav Mirilashvili). Too greasy and fried foods and little consumption of water main factors generators of cellulite. But thanks to the kindness of all foods, this can reverse, knowing what to eat and knowing how to eat it. ke with conviction. In our diet we should give priority to the fruits and vegetables that you contain the vitamins and minerals we need but who also have diuretic properties that help in the Elimination of toxins and avoid fluid retention. For most used cellulite fruits include papaya and pineapple or ananas.

Papaya is a fruit tree native to Central America, whose leaves are rich in papain, an enzyme that helps to fragment the proteins that form cellulite as well as fat. It also has an action anti inflammatory that helps greatly in cases in which cellulite produces pain and edemas even. Ideally, eat naturally or in smoothies but to be seasonal fruit not It is always easy to find, also can ingest it in your presentations in capsules, which can find in pharmacies and dietetic. On the other hand, the pineapple is another fruits for the most used in the homemade recipes cellulite to eliminate cellulite. Also known as ananas pineapple is native to South America and consists in a 85% water, and others by carbohydrates and fiber. Ripe pineapple has diuretic properties, which help us enough to prevent fluid retention and eliminate toxins from our body. In addition to being present in it a proteolytic enzyme, i.e.

that it digests proteins, AIDS in the digestion of meals. And it also has anti inflammatory properties. So to include papaya and pineapple in our diet! Please click here to see a practical and simple formula that will help you to melt and get rid of cellulite forever.

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