Monthly Archives: May 2012

National Governments

' What we make for necessity, we must make to seem that fizemos&#039 was for will ours that; '. (Maquiavel) years 70 had marked the necessity of if rethink the standards of consumption and production that impactavam the environment directly causing its deterioration. Face the reinforcement of the ambient movements in the years the 80 […]

Finances: Applications and Problems

FINANCES: APPLICATIONS, PRINCIPLES, OBJECTIVES AND PROBLEMS Marta Maciel Lisboa* SUMMARY Finances or Budgetary Financial Administration are the study of as the economic agents place resources throughout the time. It has as objective, to preserve the equity or wealth of the proprietors. This work will go to approach as the finances and its properties, applications, principles, […]

Applied Financial Economics

The LogVOL coefficient (- 0,097880) in the function offers, (- 0,073039) in the function demand, indicates the elastic behavior in this relation. With this, we can affirm, together with the LogSt-1 0 variable to (- 1,149222) for offers (4578,464) for the demand and still Log (1/TICK) with (0,048207), that the equation indicates that the variations […]

Financial Accounting

Functional currency Currency of Presentation Adjustment in the PL These alterations as conversion adjustments, which used currency, which tax of used exchange and index, as well as any another type of excellent information for the user will have to be demonstrated in the Explicativas Notes of these reports. BRAZIL references. Law n 6,404/76, of 15 […]

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