Monthly Archives: December 2012

The Pollution

Not only it, also we who we have the primcias of the spirit, moans interior suspirando for the redemption of ours corpo' ' (4) and (5). The corruo of the creation if calls sin the world, that I poison all the beings bred. The violence if spreads in the city and the field. Whales agonize […]

Entire Pupil

With this the lessons if become monotonous, following what the didactic book, adopted at the moment, brings of excellent and of ' ' truth absoluta' ' as much for the pupil how much for the professor, and the comodismo also hangs in the two sides, having the professor the easiness of only indicating the page […]

Analyzing Robot

It remembers that this type of robots cannot read the text of the images or JavScript.El Analyzing Robot also optimizes the MetTags of the page Web with the correct length. 8 – It uses the tool Google Sitemap so that your pages Web they are indexed by Googlebot whenever the content of your Web is […]

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