Monthly Archives: January 2015

Edwin Aldrin

Another problem faced for Soviet the age of pecuniary order. To develop the power of its launching rocket the subtilities of the project and the complex systems of communication and orientation that would allow the Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin to become the first men to walk in the Moon, the North Americans were investing […]


Shame in the STJ the dependences of the Public building of the headquarters of the STJ in Brasilia was palco of a shameful Abuse of Being able or Moral Siege, that supposedly was practised by the proper President of this High Cut, the minister Ari Pargendler, against the trainee and student Landmark Pablo Dos Santos, […]

Hosni Mubarak

In 25 of January, Egyptian young had taken the streets of the main cities in a popular mobilization that finished with the resignation of Hosni Mubarak, president who if kept in the power per 30 years due to some re-elections allowed for the constitution of that country. This fact of being reeleito places Egypt in […]

Movable Values

The CVM enter one more time in scene, that it must be worried in guaranteeing to the investor the access to the necessary information so that this has the certainty of that it is if involving exclusively in the risks of that has knowledge. The referring information to the securities must have some characteristics, so […]

Skrivanek Proves Once Again Excellent Service Quality

Berlin, November 15th, 2010. Official site: Nicholas Carr . Again, Skrivanek obtained the latest ISO certification due to its continuous quality improvement and can therefore guarantee its partners best services. Skrivanek is very proud that we succeeded, which confirm to expand, was introducing a newer, more modern standard, EN ISO 9000:2008, ISO certification. Equally successful, […]

The AOK PLUS Decision For Enrisma

Software introduction risk management with AOK PLUS Saxony / Thuringia Rosenheim, 24.11.2010 since mid-April 2010 the AOK PLUS Saxony / Thuringia – headquartered in Dresden, Germany established a software-based, modern risk management system in her house. All risk management processes in regard to all divisions of insurance about patient care to the invoicing of the […]

How To Get Your Free Credit Report

Employers, credit card suppliers, insurance companies, and banks they all are examining your credit profiles to decide your risk. There are lots of methods for you to obtain your very own credit profiles, out of charge! In other words, the credit business is bombarded with credit monitoring agencies that are more than ready to provide […]

FRUIT BARON – Christmas Best!

Munich’s new Obstlieferservice proves fresh and pampered to the advent period of Munich fruit BARON, Germany’s high-quality online fruit & fruit delivery service from Munich serves companies at the time of Advent with the best of the festive season. In addition to the varied fruit BARON Obstboxen, there is now also the Christmas box for […]

SME Day 2010

Without foresight no future invites 2010 the Hessian Ministry of Economics from 14: 00 to the middle-class day on December 7 in the Wiesbaden block of Biebrich Palace. “Theme of the event: Hessian middle class fit for the future?” Economics Minister, Dieter Posch opened the event. Eschborn / Wiesbaden, November 25, 2010 – the current […]

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