Monthly Archives: June 2012

Atlantic Protect

Not it must nor it is possible continue wasting the opportunities that come offering so much to national level as international with the sources from cooperation and financing by banks or the same deprived investment, to that is abrir the doors to him, to invite it and to motivate it to invest in macro projects […]

Latin America

The majority of the people lives to the inverse one. It is bread for today and hunger for morning. It is only necessary to watch the statistics of the person that rejoice to see that this is certain. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by each 100 people who arrive at the 65 years: 36 […]


After that act, last step of the phase of instruction, judge Jose Flors will have to decide if it begins oral trial or it files the case. The judgment would be into the hands of a jury of nine members. The call case of the suits, the part of the Grtel plot in which the […]


Tedulo Lopez Melndez: The formation of a parallel government is necessary * If nobody takes the steps is possible that they must train a government in I exile the Tedulo writer Lopez Melndez considers the formation of a parallel government of pursuit to the present regime necessary. It argues that the events of the last […]

Structure Evidence

The main indices are: Indices of structure or indebtedness. Liquidify ratios or solution. Indices of average stated periods. Indices of yield or profitability. 3.3.ndices of Structure Evidence the degree of indebtedness of the company in result of the origin of the capital invested in the patrimony. It shows to the existing ratio between the proper […]

Brazil Propaganda

For a majority influenced for the propaganda, as in Brazil, cellular telephone, more than its useful mobility, it is symbol of social acceptance, it identifies the one that classroom if wants to belong. The propaganda not only vende goods and services, vende inlaid marks that load vision politics and optics of development, interests economic politicians […]

Capital Letter PMDB

Therefore that the BBB is a phenomenon, it is the face of the Brazilian viewer. Information is another thing! For example: the Dilma to have invited vice Temer for and the PMDB for partner. it said that it went to think, to consult the party. It is in decline the Dilma candidacy We find that […]

Japanese Community

Finishing for if becoming one of the great taboos (until the present) of the Japanese community consolidated here. At the beginning of April of 1946 policemen politics they had made a stroke in the central headquarters of the Shindo, in the quarter of the Jabaquara, the So Paulo capital. There they had arrested, without no […]

Financial Freedom

It deludes the financial freedom for many people these days that, for all the logical conclusions and comments must have gotten. Comumente it is cited as one of most important and looked for objective in the life and still rare it is reached. This article does not intend to give to a magical formula for […]

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