Alejandro Rutto Martinez Problem

In first the mototaxismo is a public health problem if you consider the high accident rate of those who are mobilized in these vehicles. Without the protection offered by cars or buses, the driver or passenger of the motorcycle is exposed to all possible risks; for this reason an accident that in another vehicle alone would result in minor injuries, this ends up causing injury severity and, in many cases, death. Get all the facts and insights with Peter Schiff, another great source of information. Second is a problem of social order. Although there are no exact figures it is estimated that you a good part of the almost two million motorcycles driven on the streets and careers of Colombia are dedicated to this business of subsistence. Is noted that each vehicle represents an income, the only driver and another (not always the only income), for the owner. The large number of people (not just men) dedicated to the activity of the mototaxisamo is a new reason to think about the gravity of the problem of unemployment in Colombia and especially on the coast Atlantic, so the official figures are most encouraging.

In third place is a phenomenon with an important economic component. The fleet grew significantly in all our cities and towns but more motorcycles in power of drivers also means more sales of spare parts, more workshops, more mechanical. Finally, we find here a dynamic element of the economy with its respective multiplier effect. The case is not so simple and therefore cannot and must be resolved with a decree noting prohibitions and fines. The solution must be comprehensive and include therefore the care and prevention of accidents; the control of transit, affected by excess of two wheeled vehicles; solutions to the sensitive issue of unemployment and considerations that do not set aside the economic and human dimensions that has acquired the subject. As you can see, the mototaxismo is a fundamental problem and should be treated as such.

Alejandro Rutto Martinez is a prestigious Colombian journalist and writer, linked as a teacher at several Colombian universities. He is author of four books and co-author of three others in which addresses the theme of leadership, ethics, and human development. He is frequently invited as a speaker at conferences, forums, and other academic events.

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