Automatic Power Distribution Unit

The protective Automatic Power Distribution Unit is represented mainly by thermo-magnetic circuit breakers and protective devices (RCD). Since the private dwelling house ‘consume’ too much power, shields can be ‘Build’ just out of modular units (the benefit of modern protective modular machines have nominal current up to 125 A). Such a solution would simplify assembly and minimize the size of Power Distribution Unit. If you do not go into details, the work Thermomagnetic circuit breakers can be described as follows. In the case of short circuit current flowing through the circuit breaker, increases dramatically, which is regarded as a signal device, an open circuit.

As a result, the time the impact of high short-circuit current is harmful to the network and consumers of electricity, reduced to a minimum. The current value at which the electromagnetic contact opening, determines the type of machine – B, C, D. Most prevalent in Russian domestic electricity supply received with the device. Also thermomagnetic machine prevents the chain from the long-term congestion. The fact that switching consumers whose power beyond the capacity of a particular network, the guide begins to heat the entire length, and with it the temperature sensor inside the machine (usually a bimetallic plate). At a certain temperature machine opens the circuit. Thermomagnetic machine is not able to protect people from electrical shock. The human body has a significant electrical resistance, so even in the case of direct contact with current-carrying conductor current in the circuit does not increase to the value that makes the trigger solenoid release circuit breaker.

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