
But that's not all. After receiving his first place in the base project, you will receive a free A regular place in the pre-(all this is taken into account in the registration fee in the preliminary draft). It should be noted that this place is under your direct sponsor for the pre-, regardless of where he is now is and helps him close his next matrix. Under this site you continue to attract people, you close it, and get a regular place in the base project and a new place in the pre. And so on to infinity! Ie, paying once the amount is several times lower cost base, in principle, you can get an unlimited number of different places in the base project (they can then sell if necessary). Do not forget that your partners by closing its pre-matrix, also will return to you in your current predmatritsu and accelerate the closure. Swarmed by offers, Craig Menear is currently assessing future choices. A definite plus pre! Binary scheme provisional matrix may be easier – just two invited partner (Respectively, the cost of entry into the pre, the law of conservation of increase).

Participate in pre-can usually be both beginners and partners who already have seats in the base MLM project. That they receive? When you register at They point to pre-login your already existing site at the base of MLM, and all of their new personal space get under this place, reinforcing its structure. There also will leave the place all his novice partners who are connected to Pre. Moreover, the back office of the preliminary draft usually makes it possible to change the username 'targeted', ie periodically change the exit point of their regular seats in the base project, and thus the flexibility to manage increase in its structure. As a result, the partner receives the opportunity to advertise as a base project, and its light-version, ie Pre. This will expand the range of his potential customers. These are most effective in pre- MLM with spinning matrices, which are typical representatives – GetAwayCLUB and ClubFreedom.

Duplicated places significantly boosts the velocity of such matrices. However, it is theoretically possible existence of pre-and classical binary MLM marketing schemes, the same EN101 (but have not seen yet any). What is the disadvantages of pre? Formally, they are pyramid schemes because goods in the pre virtually non-existent. Rather a commodity is the entrance to the MLM basic discount. In some of these projects adds something to the quality of goods – books, scripts, templates, etc. Although more they remain … There is also the view that pre prevents attraction people to base the project at full price. Although no one here does not prevent you to share streams of potential clients and develop both directions. Also note that if the MLM company you are only interested in product, and you do not plan to connect people, then, of course, pre-useless for you, and you need to go directly to the base project. But, if you have a couple of like-minded people, then pre help you save money, and more rapidly develop its own structure. Decide how you always!

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