Director General

General management of occupational safety in the organization of the Director General, State "Football Club". The direct management and responsibility for the proper organization of labor protection and supervision of the implementation of labor protection measures in the organization entrusted to the chief engineer on structural units, on the heads of departments. In the organization's managers and professionals were developed and approved job descriptions, which reflect responsibility for safety. Managers and specialists of organizations do not have stood the test of knowledge on safety in the commission of the parent organization. Training and testing of knowledge on safety in workers employed in jobs with high the danger is not provided. With newly arriving for work carried out induction training and logged not a standard. Coaching in the workplace are conducted according to the instructions on the protection of labor occupations and types of works, developed and approved by the Director General.

Frequency of briefings followed. Instructions for safety occupations and types of work performed must be review, as see "General requirements for safety," there is no warning on non-alcoholic, narcotic or toxic substances and the appearance of the work while intoxicated. Employees of the football club does not pass periodic medical examinations. Not made and is not consistent with the CCI E Central district of Minsk "List of troops to be periodic medical examinations." Employees FC provided with personal protection in full and in accordance with established standards. Instituted card account issuing of personal protective equipment is not in design.

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