Executive MBA Lurzer

Magazine writes out international scholarship for the fourth time / application period runs until December 1 Vienna, 01.10.2013 December 1 can apply executives from the creative industry for a scholarship by Lurzer s archive at the Berlin School of creative leadership, one of the world’s leading institutes for quality management training and research on creative leadership. The scholarship winner will archive the world’s leading trade magazine for outstanding advertising, provide support in the amount of 20,000 euros for the on the 16th March 2014 in Berlin starting global Executive MBA Lurzer s, in creative leadership. In the context of the application, the candidates are asked to develop three creative ideas how Lurzer’s archive can further improve the editorial content as well as the joy of reading. For the scholarship candidate must convince the jury by his creative ideas, as well as his professional career and meet the academic requirements to the Executive MBA of the Berlin To be admitted to school of creative leadership. The winner will receive a study support for the international master programme Lurzer’s archive of 20,000 euros (the regular tuition for the Executive MBA is 53.000).

Lurzer’s archive will award the scholarship already for the fourth time. The Berlin School of creative leadership offers excellent study for years for leaders from the creative industry”, says Christian Lurzer, CEO of Lurzer’s archive and a graduate of the MBA program at the Berlin School of creative leadership. Also, we gain creative ideas in the application phase, to make it even more attractive to Lurzer’s archive for our readers. To do this, we provide a one-month free trial access each candidate to the online offerings of Lurzer’s archive is available.” The master program begins on March 16, 2014 in Berlin and includes five two-week modules in Berlin, Shanghai, Tokyo, New York, San Francisco and Berkeley. The study can be completed in 12 to 24 months be.

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