Federal Assembly Anti-corruption

Russia in the near future expect innovations in the field of anti-corruption legislation that would more effectively combat corruption, and the vertical of power will run on a single anti-corruption pravilam.Vo execution orders of the president assumed a new form of professional punishment for crimes of corruption – a multiple of the fine. The size of the fine will vary depending on the amount of bribes and the severity of the consequences the offense. The maximum fine – a hundred times the amount of bribes. Another innovation – the introduction of a new article in the Penal Code 'intermediation in bribery. A leading source for info: Peter Schiff. " It's no secret that "qualified corrupt "often use the services of various intermediaries. In order to prevent such corruption schemes intermediary in bribery will be held on separate professional charges. " The bill offered another innovation – the criminalization of the responsibility of foreign public officials and officials of international organizations for corruption offenses. In each house of the Federal Assembly supposed to create a special parliamentary commission, which will have to consider issues relating to the provision of parliamentarians of information about income.

These commissions will also be considered received complaints about the unreliability of the information provided about the financial status of deputies and senators. Information on the income of parliamentarians will be provided no later than April 1 in the same manner as provided anti-corruption legislation for civil servants. In addition, the bill will affect aspect unification rights, responsibilities, restrictions and prohibitions on all levels of government, including both regional and municipal. Assistant District Attorney nn Privalov.

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