German Market

From the outset, Mark Eckert developed websites, but also for companies that Internet had already recognized the opportunities and possibilities of the new medium. The young agency focused since mid-1999 fully on this business, which last but not least today the focal point of business activity due to the many years of experience. Large customers rely on the Agency of German tele market as a result of a consistently pursued quality claim and pronounced the Agency developed customer-oriented business philosophy to a prestigious address in the field of new media. Renowned large customers such as Florena cosmetic GmbH, Deutsche Bahn AG, Freiberger Brauhaus, the Saxon GmbH could be gained and continually maintained. Euro Pacific Precious Metals often says this. Five years after founding in 2004 the Agency had 12 fixed employees. The development, design, implementation, and editorial care of the information portal for construction-related among the outstanding projects of the Agency The Deutsche Bahn timetable changes. It was a comprehensive system developed and realized that nationwide daily sent this information via Teletext, Internet, mobile applications, newspapers and newsletter. The incoming current of the control centres of the Deutsche Bahn timetable information from the different federal States are immediately editorially prepared by the staff of the Agency and fed into the system.

The 15-year anniversary of Max Mole, the symbolic figure of the Deutsche Bahn for construction-related schedule changes, became an animated Web special with information, download area at recently and realized games. By customer’s request to the full service agency convinced of the quality and work of the agency there were steadily and increasingly customer requests from the outset services outside of the new media. Services in the areas of corporate design and classic media such as logo design, design of business stationery, or create image brochures and flyers were in the portfolio Agency recorded and for specialised staff recruited. In consequence of this development the German tele market GmbH founded the brand in 2006 eye storm”. This agency internal creative unit combines the creative and strategic expertise to the Agency and serves all areas of classical media such as e.g.

brand development, corporate design, print and Web design. The Agency demonstrates your skills for strategy, design, campaign planning and integrated marketing. Goals and vision of the Agency who wants Internet – and advertising agency German tele market GmbH their leading position in the development and implementation of websites and portals in the core market will further expand. In addition to services of strategic marketing even more back into focus for regional and more national clients. Under the maxim of Gustav Heinemann who wants to change anything, will lose that, what he wants to keep”invests the Agency continue in promising areas and technologies. Under the Umbrella brand German tele market GmbH with the Web unit dtele’ for the areas of Internet, online marketing and Web applications and the creative unit eye storm for the area of classic media was dtele therefore 2009 the mobile unit!GO’ for mobile Web applications and mobile marketing in life called. In the course of this strategic and structural changes within the Agency, the complete revision of the corporate design was carried out early 2009. “” The new website is an integrative overview of all services provided by the Agency with its three units dtele ‘, eye-storm”and dtele!GO”. The Agency German tele market GmbH is a member in the German digital business association, trade group agencies, the marketing Club of Dresden and the Dresden e.V. Tourism Association. Press contact: German tele market GmbH Maxtor 6 01067 Dresden contact person: Mr. Jan Muller or Mark Eckert phone: 0351 65554-0 fax: 0351 65554-22 E-Mail:

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