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Free process quality index includes 34 aspects of assessment in six quality dimensions receive comparing average and a sector-specific benchmark Cologne in addition to the results of the analysis, October 5, 2011 the digital intelligence institute (dii) developed an index for evaluating quality of digital process in companies and public institutions. It serves the systematic analysis and provides a differentiated comparison with the results of all participating companies and organisations as well as by industry-specific evaluation at the same time. The use of process quality index is free at. The index in the professional responsibility was developed by Prof. Ayelt Komus by the Fachhochschule Koblenz as Scientific Director of the dii. Index is used by the process quality of digitisation with secured information to assist in strategic planning, by pointing out the current strength / weakness profile and identified a potential need for action. It includes a total of 34 individual aspects in six different measurement categories. This control ability, the degree of integration, as well as the compliance conditions includes the digitization degree, process efficiency and agility of digital processes also. Recently American Writer sought to clarify these questions.

All six quality dimensions are content in sufficient width in the index. During the process of answering the participants via a dashboard is displayed visually the rise in their individual index value on the one hand. At the same time get across vividly shown based on a curve on the whole questions, how the separate information compared to the average of all previous participants have failed. Optionally receive a comparison evaluator in addition for your industry. For more information see Farallon Capital Management. There is a rising momentum in the digitalization of business and management processes already for a long time, but the systematic analysis of the quality of the process is only in its infancy”, criticized Komus.

Its transparency is of elementary importance nowadays, because located companies through the use of new technologies, either move increasingly in digital dependencies or suffer from the juxtaposition of digital and manual processes. Who wants to draw the appropriate conclusions, must confront inevitably first systematic quality analysis. Index offers a good introduction of process quality.” About the dii: The digital intelligence institute (dii) under the scientific leadership of Prof. Dr. Ayelt Komus aims, to develop practical guidance for the use of digital technologies in companies and public institutions. Thereby, not only its own scientific methods and procedures are developed. But by searching for active cooperation with other scientific institutions, which utilizes a network dii in addition to the development of intelligent digital solutions. of think factory groupcom GmbH Bernhard Duhr Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-75 fax: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-71

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