Greco-Roman Culture

In speech ' ' This world of the injustice globalizada' ' , Jose Saramago opens a reflection without other precedents in that event. Honored for the Greco-roman culture, our days live already in an automatism that could only really be guarded if we lived in a perfectly steady society and joust. On the base of this position of comfort it sits down democracy, in its untouchable and unquestionable figure by its very nature. In mago of this history, created for Saramago, the problem of the civilization inhabits all. Happily, today, already the conscience of finitude of the resources of our planet exists. It is argued, not so vehemently as other subjects, the necessity to create, for so soon, a society that obtains to sustentabilizar itself.

It is not only treated to think about subsistence, but to continue to progress without for this the resources of the nature completely are sacrificed. Indeed a task next to the utopia. The Pantry of the World of Soccer, under this point of view, in them is an excellent model to exemplificar the contravention of life way that we have. How much, after all, in the cost the accomplishment of an event of these? So that or who serves an event of these? Which the transformation that this will cause the world where we live? Immediate and posterior impact of the accomplishment of the Pantry of the World the FIFA, acronym for Fderation Internationale de Football Association, meets seated under resources that exceed the cipher of 1 billion of dollar, according to proper institution. Alone, this cipher surpasses PIB (Produto Interno Bruto) of at least 20 filiados countries of the 207. Of the real profits with the pantry, according to site of the proper Institution, 75% is reverted in investment in the proper sport. For the population in general it is a historical fact and marcante when its country is chosen for the accomplishment of the maximum torneiro, of four in four years, the Pantry of the World of Masculine Soccer.

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