
Tedulo Lopez Melndez: The formation of a parallel government is necessary * If nobody takes the steps is possible that they must train a government in I exile the Tedulo writer Lopez Melndez considers the formation of a parallel government of pursuit to the present regime necessary. It argues that the events of the last weeks indicate the nonexistence of a spine that indicates to the country a course to him, as it were demonstrated with the intermittent actions and disconnected in the province and Caracas. Vista the serious situation of the country adds with conviction, the institutional collapse and of the services basic public, stated over and over again the ineptitude of the present government to take care of the national community until in its basic needs and being obvious its repressive vocation, is necessary to constitute equipment that gives to concrete answers and clear political lines. Lopez Melndez remembers the constant complaint of the Venezuelans before the lack of concrete proposals and the reiterated manifestation of anguish to only stay electoral way, while the conditions in September not only will be election but of same existence of the country. Its proposal turns around the formation of a cabinet in the shade to follow each area of the official action. It would be integrated by Ministers for the pursuit of: Inner policy, Foreign policy, Basic Economy and Finances, Health, Infrastructure, Education and Services. A cabinet in the shade would not be considered like rebel? – For this government everything what it is different from him is subversive. In infinity of countries cabinets in the shade dedicated to follow the governmental actions and to the accomplishment of counterproposals have existed and exist. – They have been used like democratic control mechanism and like means of resistance to the totalitarianisms, it adds. The parallel government who only proposes would have that instance? – He does not assure.

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