Joo Pessoa Market

The integrant ones of the levels with its specific knowledge form a hierarchic system where it keeps a good sociocultural interaction, with this harmony it becomes clearly that the joint objective of the group is the organizacional growth extending this interchange to the external environment, thus aiming at, to facilitate the commercial transactions with the consuming market. Learn more at this site: Alabama Senator. As for the convergent and divergent points inside of the company we can affirm that the quality in the services carried through it is a point that deserves prominence, therefore the applied technique has a singular quality, reing-echo as a positive phenomenon and providing satisfaction to the consumer. On the other hand the point that diverge of the studied theory is the fact of the capricious presence of the president of the searched organization, however this absence does not intervene with the organizacional and productive functioning of the company, therefore the levels tactical and operational lead with skill the execution of the planning elaborated for the strategical level. 4. FINAL CONSIDERAES the accomplishment of this work were excellent for magnifying of the knowledge of the researchers, concerning the functioning of the practical organizacionais in the interior of a company, as well as, the attainment of the demanded basic abilities in the formation of an administrator. One concludes that the searched company exactly being of small transport congregates the necessary conditions for the balanced performance of the diverse activities distributed in its hierarchic levels. With respect to proposal of solutions to the problems, we do not have nothing to consider, has seen, the company with its practical organizacionais is interacting of satisfactory form with the consuming market. Ahead of this reality the analyzed enterprise is being lead in competent and dynamic way, therefore its position in the market indicates that it is in the certain way. In short, with a satisfactory economic stability, the company has in its planning an enterprising vision, therefore more intends to expand its services installing two branch offices, leading hand of qualified workmanship for the cities of Joo Pessoa/PB and Macei/AL..

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